Section 1: General Orthopaedics --;Infection --;Tumours: Primary --;Tumours: Secondary --;Metabolic Bone Disease --;Neuromuscular Disorders --;Rheumatoid Disorders --;Gout and Degenerative Osteoarthritis --;Bone Necrosis --;Bone Dysplasias --;Section 2: The Upper Limb --;Nerve Entrapment Syndromes --;The Shoulder --;The Elbow Joint --;Section 3: The Hand --;Congenital Abnormalities --;Stenosing Tenosynovitis --;Dupuytren's Disease --;Kienbock's Disease --;Osteoarthritis --;First Carpometacarpal Joint --;The Rheumatoid Hand --;Tumours --;Section 4: The Spine --;The Neck --;Lumbar Disc Disorders --;Spondylolisthesis --;Spinal Stenosis --;Scoliosis --;Scheuermann's Disease --;Tuberculosis of the Spine --;Secondary Tumours of the Spine --;Section 5: The Lower Limb --;Limb-Length Inequality --;Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome --;The Hip --;The Femur --;The Knee --;The Tibia --;The Ankle --;The Foot --;Author Index.
Text of Note
Moreover, when references are simply shovelled into a text in great gobbets, it is hard to resist the suspicion that the author has not read them all, but has copied some from a previous author's list.