Management of an Acute Pain Unit --;Pharmacology of Opioid Analgesic Agents --;A Contemporary View --;New Opioids and New Concepts in Their Administration --;Patient-Controlled Analgesia: A Critical Appraisal --;Intravenous Patient-Controlled Analgesia: Postoperative Pain Management and Research --;Benefits and Risks of Epidural Opioids in the Treatment of Postoperative Pain --;Local Anaesthetics and Pain Management --;Nerve Blocks in the Treatment of Acute Pain --;Alpha-Adrenergic Agonists in Pain Therapy --;Postoperative Pain Treatment by Means of a Morphine Aerosol: A Multicenter Study --;Controlled-Release Oral Opioids in Postoperative Pain --;Postoperative Pain Treatment in Pediatric Patients --;Treatment of Postoperative Pain in Geriatric Patients --;Clinical Information Systems in Critical Care --;Tools for Increased Safety in the Management of Severe Postoperative Pain.
Text of Note
E.MARTIN Acute pain services are now established worldwide and guidelines have been drawn for the management of acute pain resulting from surgical or medical procedures and trauma.