1 The role of eicosanoids in inflammatory bowel disease --;2 Laboratory methods for studying the role of eicosanoids in inflammatory bowel disease --;3 Clinical uses of prostaglandins in peptic ulcer disease --;4 Animal models for studying the role of eicosanoids in peptic ulcer disease --;5 Protection against mucosal damage: Mechanism of action of eicosanoids --;6 Interplay between anti-inflammatory drugs and eicosanoids in gastro-intestinal damage --;7 Alkaline secretion by the stomach and intestine: Effects of eicosanoids and anti-inflammatory drugs --;8 Eicosanoids and gastrointestinal motility --;9 Effect of eicosanoids on gastrointestinal blood flow and microcirculation --;10 The gastroduodenal mucus barrier and the place of eicosanoids.
Text of Note
The original series, Advances in Prostaglandin Research, edited by Sultan M. selected chapters from each book in the Series will provide illuminating and productive information for all readers which will advance their education and research.