IReflections on the Structural Sources of Bonaven-ture's Itinerarium mentis in Deum --;Omniscience and Incoherence --;Religious Experience and Contemporary Models of the Mind --;Transcendental Elements in the Semantics of Crathorn --;The Trinity and Positio Impossibilis: Some Remarks on Inconsistence --;Saint Anselm's Proof: A Problem of Reference, Intentional Identity and Mutual Understanding --;IRemarks on Medieval Discussions of Religious Emotions --;Questions about a Question in Ockham --;Augustine's Two Wills and Two Goals: Some Applications of Holmström-Hintikka' s Formal Theory --;Pascal's Wager and Moral Tutiorism --;Certitude or Knowledge of God? Thirteenth-Century Augustinians and the Doctrine of Divine Illumination --;Lumen Medium. Henry of Ghent on the Accessibility of Theological Truths --;Index of Names.
Text of Note
Modern tools allow one to penetrate old texts and analyze old problems in new ways, offering interpretations that the old thinkers could not have known.