Introduction: Lipids: Cellular Glue or are They More Than That?- Phospholipid Synthesis in Mammalian Cells --;Phospholipid Synthesis and Dynamics in Plant Cells --;Biogenesis and Cellular Dynamics of Glycerophospholipids in the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae --;Defects in Cholesterol Biosynthesis --;Sterol Metabolism and Functions in Higher Plants --;Sterol Biochemistry and Regulation in the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae --;Mammalian ACAT and DGAT2 Gene Families --;Biosynthesis and Compartmentation of Triacylglycerol in Higher Plants --;Mechanisms and Mediators of Neutral Lipid Biosynthesis in Eukaryotic Cells --;Sphingosine-1-phosphate Metabolism in Mammalian Cell Signalling --;Plant Sphingolipids.-Bakers Yeast: a Rising Foundation for Eukaryotic Sphingolipid-mediated Cell Signaling.
Text of Note
Biochemical, cell biological and biophysical aspects of the four major groups of lipids in eukaryotic cells, namely glycerophospholipids, sterols, sphingolipids and storage lipids, are reported and discussed.