Title from e-book title screen (viewed Aug. 25, 2006).
Text of Note
Cover Table of Contents Preface 1 Labour 2 Home birth 3 Waterbirth 4 Slow progress in labour and malpresentations/malpositions in labour 5 Breech birth 6 Labour and birth after a previous caesarean section 7 Pre-eclampsia 8 Preterm labour and birth 9 Maternal infection around the time of birth 10 Assisted delivery: forceps and midwife ventouse delivery 11 Haemorrhage and hypovolaemic shock around the time of birth 12 Childbirth emergencies 13 Loss of a baby: stillbirth/perinatal death 14 Record keeping and litigation 15 Midwifery skills to help women cope with labour 16 Vaginal examinations and artificial rupture of the membranes 17 Monitoring the fetal heart rate in labour 18 Intrapartum blood tests 19 Examination of the newborn baby at birth 20 Serious anomalies and disorders in the newborn 21 Neonatal and maternal resuscitation 22 Perineal trauma and suturing 23 Pharmacopoeia Glossary Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Appendix F.
Text of Note
The role of the midwife is varied, rewarding and challenging. Not only do midwives practice autonomously in a variety of settings, but they often take the lead role in more complex childbirth situations. This book is the first labour and birth handbook written by experienced midwives and aimed specifically at practising midwives based in hospitals, the community and birthing centres. It details the most up-to-date information concerning midwifery care and offers guidance on how to deal with difficult and sometimes controversial situations. As well as this, The Midwife's Labour and Birth Hand.