Invited Talk --;The Security Challenges of Ubiquitous Computing --;Side Channel Attack Methodology --;Multi-channel Attacks --;Hidden Markov Model Cryptanalysis --;Power-Analysis Attacks on an FPGA --;First Experimental Results --;Hardware Factorization --;Hardware to Solve Sparse Systems of Linear Equations over GF(2) --;Symmetric Ciphers: Side Channel Attacks and Countermeasures --;Cryptanalysis of DES Implemented on Computers with Cache --;A Differential Fault Attack Technique against SPN Structures, with Application to the AES and Khazad --;A New Algorithm for Switching from Arithmetic to Boolean Masking --;DeKaRT: A New Paradigm for Key-Dependent Reversible Circuits --;Secure Hardware Logic --;Parity-Based Concurrent Error Detection of Substitution-Permutation Network Block Ciphers --;Securing Encryption Algorithms against DPA at the Logic Level: Next Generation Smart Card Technology --;Security Evaluation of Asynchronous Circuits --;Random Number Generators --;Design and Implementation of a True Random Number Generator Based on Digital Circuit Artifacts --;True Random Number Generators Secure in a Changing Environment --;How to Predict the Output of a Hardware Random Number Generator --;Efficient Multiplication --;On Low Complexity Bit Parallel Polynomial Basis Multipliers --;Efficient Modular Reduction Algorithm in [x] and Its Application to "Left to Right" Modular Multiplication in [x] --;Faster Double-Size Modular Multiplication from Euclidean Multipliers --;More on Efficient Arithmetic --;Efficient Exponentiation for a Class of Finite Fields GF(2 n) Determined by Gauss Periods --;GCD-Free Algorithms for Computing Modular Inverses --;Attacks on Asymmetric Cryptosystems --;Attacking Unbalanced RSA-CRT Using SPA --;The Doubling Attack --;Why Upwards Is Better than Downwards --;An Analysis of Goubin's Refined Power Analysis Attack --;A New Type of Timing Attack: Application to GPS --;Implementation of Symmetric Ciphers --;Unified Hardware Architecture for 128-Bit Block Ciphers AES and Camellia --;Very Compact FPGA Implementation of the AES Algorithm --;Efficient Implementation of Rijndael Encryption in Reconfigurable Hardware: Improvements and Design Tradeoffs --;Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptography --;Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptosystems: Closing the Performance Gap to Elliptic Curves --;Countermeasures against Differential Power Analysis for Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptosystems --;Countermeasures to Side Channel Leakage --;A Practical Countermeasure against Address-Bit Differential Power Analysis --;A More Flexible Countermeasure against Side Channel Attacks Using Window Method --;Security of Standards --;On the Security of PKCS #11 --;Attacking RSA-Based Sessions in SSL/TLS.
Text of Note
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, CHES 2003, held in Cologne, Germany in September 2003. The 32 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 111 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on side channel attack methodology, hardware factorization, symmetric cypher attacks and countermeasures, secure hardware logic, random number generators, efficient multiplication, efficient arithmetics, attacks on asymmetric cryptosystems, implementation of symmetric cyphers, hyperelliptic curve cryptography, countermeasures to side channel leakage, and security of standards.
Computer security -- Congresses.
Cryptography -- Congresses.
Embedded computer systems -- Congresses.
Colin D. Walter, Cetin K. Koç, Christof Paar (eds.).