Preface, p.ix --;1. Philoponus and Alexandria: An Historical Introduction, p.3 --;2. Reconciling the Mathematical and Physical Aspects of Optics, p.19 --;3. The Propagation of Light Without the Passage of Time, p.33 --;4. The Propagation of Light, Impetus Theory, and Aristotle's Physics III. 3, p.59 --;5. Reexamining the Case for Neoplatonic Influence on Philoponus' Causal Theories, p.83 --;6. The Physical Basis for Mathematical Demonstration in Optics, p.95 --;7. Mathematical Demonstration in a Mixed Science, p.117 --;8. Conclusion, p.129 --;Appendices --;I Analysis and Translation of Philoponus' Commentary on De Anima II. 7, 418b9, p.135 --;II On the Interpretation of Physics VIII. 3, 253b15-35, p.165 --;Bibliography, p.177 --;Indices: ındex locorum, p.177 --;ındex verborum, p.182.