Values and opportunities in social entrepreneurship.
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Palgrave Macmillan
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Introduction PART I: VALUES IN SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP Vision and Values: the Relationship between the Visions and Actions of Social Entrepreneurs; P.Grenier Religion and Social Entrepreneurship; R.Spear Divergent Orientations in Social Entrepreneurship Irganizations; H.Douglas PART II: RESOURCES FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP Towards a Theory of Social Entrepreneurship; J.P.Eshun & J.A.Robinson Is It Ever Better To Lend Than To Give?: A Social Embeddedness View of Alternative Approaches to Poverty Alleviation; B.Victor & W.Lucas PART III: DISCOVERY AND EXPLOITATION OF SOCIAL OPPORTUNITIES Developing an Interactive Model of Social Entrepreneurship; C.Vurro & F.Perrini Social Entrepreneurship: A Study on the Source and Discovery of Social Opportunities; J.Monllor Entrepreneurial Opportunity Evaluation: A Discrete Choice Analysis of Financial and Social Entrepreneurial Opportunity Attributes; B.R.Smit, J.Kickul & F.Wilson PART IV: STRATEGIC SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP The Function of Metrics in Social Entrepreneurship: Control, Accountability, or Innovation? A.Nicholls Strategic Partnerships: Results from a Survey of Development Trusts in the UK; H.Haugh, M.Di Domenico & P.Tracey The Thread of Inchoate Demand in Social Entrepreneurship; J.G.York, S.D.Sarasvathy & A.Larson Social Entrepreneurship: Snapshots of a Research Field in Emergence; G. Desa PART V: A Resource-based View of Value Creation in Social Purpose Business Ventures; N.Moray & R.Stevens Cases in Grassroots of Social Entrepreneurship; S.Maase & K.Dorst