The Four Ds of the Danger Model: Distress, Damage, Destruction, and Death --;The Immune Response in Critical Illness: Excessive, Inadequate or Dysregulated --;Genomics of the Sepsis Syndrome --;The Pro-Inflammatory Cytokine Cascade --;Inhibitory Cytokines --;Interleukin-1? and Interleukin-18: Two Cytokine Precursors for Interleukin-1? Converting Enzyme (Caspase-1) --;Bacterial Toxins Induce Specific Cytokine Patterns In Vivo and In Vitro --;The Acute Phase Response and Enhancing Resistance to Bacterial Infection --;Cytokines as Mediators of Lung Innate Immunity --;Fetuin Opsonizes Macrophage-Deactivating Cations --;LPS Receptors --;Regulation of Cellular Responses to Bacterial Endotoxin --;The Role of Nitric Oxide in the Initiation of Inflammation in Shock --;Regulation of Neutrophil Activation in Acute Lung Injury and SIRS --;Neutrophils and Acute Lung Injury --;Lymphocyte Activation, Anergy, and Apoptosis in Polymicrobial Sepsis --;Trauma Mediators Favor Differentiation of Monocytes to Macrophage Rather Than to Dendritic Cells --;Programmed Cell Death (Apoptosis) and the Immunologic Derangements of Critical Illness --;The Interaction Between the Coagulation System and the Systemic Inflammatory Mediators --;The Endothelium as an Immune Organ: Active Player and Passive Target --;Immunoregulation in Shock, Trauma, and Sepsis --;Endotoxemia in Healthy Subjects as a Human Model of Inflammation --;Monitoring Immune Status in Critically Ill Patients --;Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptors in Systemic Inflammation --;Cytokine Neutralization: An Overview --;Immunostimulation with Cytokines in Patients with 'Immunoparalysis' --;Prospects for a Vaccine to Prevent Bacterial Sepsis.
Text of Note
This book brings together basic scientists or clinicians from a variety of different backgrounds - immunology, infectious diseases or critical care - who share a common interest in understanding the changes that occur in immune responses in sepsis.