Getting gauge --;Go figure : estimating the amount of yarn you'll need --;Abbreviations & definitions --;Techniques --;Reading charts --;Learning projects --;Swatches, potholders, headbands & hats --;Animals from the garden --;Cat bag --;Double knit bonnets --;Vest & two shawls --;Camilla fair isle vest --;Mary, Mary quite contrary --;The Highlands --;Kid's sweaters --;Moorish tiles --;Nordic summer --;Twice as nice --;Jackets --;Double exposure --;Calico corners --;The Far East --;Sonja Henie --;North star --;Coats --;Cat and mouse --;Celtic crossroads --;Oceans to cross --;Art deco coat --;Central Park --;Crop circles
Text of Note
The technique of Double Knitting produces a two-faced, negative-image fabric. This style of knitting has been simplified by the author to enable you to work both sides in a single pass. M'Lou's designs for coats, jackets, and shawls are all easily accessible through detailed charts as well as written instructions. A technical section along with a chapter of assorted practice items will help you fall into the rhythm of this type of hand-knitting