Current topics in microbiology and immunology, 92.
Text of Note
Genetically Controlled Resistance to Flavivirus and Lactate-Dehydrogenase-Elevating Virus-Induced Disease --;Resistance to Herpes Simplex Virus --;Type 1 (HSV-1) --;Inborn Resistance of Mice to Orthomyxoviruses --;Role of Macrophages and Interferon in Natural Resistance to Mouse Hepatitis Virus Infection --;Genetic Resistance to Friend Virus-Induced Erythroleukemia and Immunosuppression --;Natural Cell-Mediated Immunity During Viral Infections --;Surveillance of Primitive Cells by Natural Killer Cells --;Indexed in Current Contents.
Text of Note
Nevertheless, some com- mon components of genetic resistance are discernible and largely comprise natural killer cells, macrophages, and interferon These and additional factors would seem to constitute a first line of de- fense in host resistance against both viruses and tumors.