Controversies and Innovations in Urological Surgery
General Material Designation
First Statement of Responsibility
edited by J. Clive Gingell, Paul H. Abrams.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
Springer London
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
(xvi, 512 pages 262 illustrations)
Series Title
Clinical practice in urology.
Text of Note
Section I: Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy --;1 Development, Indications and Clinical Experience --;Section II: Endoscopic Innovations --;2 Percutaneous Stone Removal Techniques --;3 Ureteroscopy --;4 Flexible Cystoscopy --;5 Endoscopic Treatment of Vesicoureteric Reflux --;Section III: Ureter --;6 Transuretero-ureterostomy --;7 Intestinal Interposition --;8 Boari Flap --;9 The Turner-Warwick Bladder-Elongation Psoas-Hitch Procedure for Substitution Ureteroplasty --;10 Double-J Stents --;11 Renal Autotransplantation --;12 Omento-ureteroplasty and Omento-skin-patch Substitution Ureteroplasty --;Section IV: Surgical Management of Stress Incontinence --;13 Periurethral Teflon Injections --;14 Stamey Endoscopic Bladder Neck Suspension --;15 Colposuspension and Slings --;16 Levatorpexy --;Transperitoneal Levator Muscle Repair --;17 Turner-Warwick Vagino-Obturator Shelf Urethral Repositioning Procedure --;Section V: The Neuropathic Bladder --;and Patient Selection for Surgery --;18 Which Cystoplasty? --;19 Bladder Transection --;20 The AS 800 Artificial Urinary Sphincter: Surgical Technique and Troubleshooting --;21 Nerve-stimulating Implants for Bladder Control in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury or Disease --;Section VI: Continence After Cystectomy --;22 Cystectomy and Substitution Cystoplasty with Particular Reference to Bladder Cancer --;23 The Continent Ileal Reservoir (Kock Pouch) in Urinary Diversion --;24 The Mainz Pouch for Continent Urinary Diversion, Bladder Substitution and Augmentation --;25 Bladder Augmentation, Undiversion and Continent Urinary Diversion in Children Using the Mainz Pouch Technique --;Section VII: Urethral Strictures and Fistulae --;26 The Omental Repair of Complex Urinary Fistulae --;27 Transpubic Urethroplasty --;28 Meshgraft Urethroplasty --;29 The Island Patch --;Section VIII: Male Genitalia --;Infertility and Impotence --;30 Peyroniel's Disease --;31 Penile Prostheses --;32 Vaso-vasostomy and Epididymo-vasostomy --;33 Transsexualism in the Male: Male to Female Gender Reassignment --;34 Penile Reconstruction in Exstrophy and Epispadias --;35 Treatment of Erectile Impotence by Intracavernosal Injection of Drugs that Relax Smooth Muscle --;36 Bladder Neck Incision vs. Resection for Bladder Outflow Obstruction --;37 New or Improved Treatments for Failure of Ejaculation --;38 Reconstruction of Bladder Neck for Retrograde Ejaculation --;Section IX: Paediatrics --;39 Antenatal Diagnosis of Urological Abnormalities --;40 Hypospadias: the MAGPI Operation and Fistula Repair --;41 Reimplantation --;Which Child? --;42 Reimplantation --;Which Operation? --;43 Surgery for Virilising Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia --;44 The Reflux-preventing Reimplantation of Large Ureters Without 'Reduction' Tailoring --;45 Functional Reconstruction of the Exstrophied Bladder.
Text of Note
The purist might wish to have these opinions resolved by a well-planned clinical trial, but experience of clinical trials shows that they do not always produce results that are easily translated into a positive change in clinical practice.