1 Clinical Assessment of the Patient with Neuromuscular Complaints: Symptoms and Signs of Neuromuscular Disease --;2 Laboratory Aids for Diagnosing Neuromuscular Diseases --;3 Disorders of Neuromuscular Transmission --;4 The Muscular Dystrophies --;5 Morphologically Distinct 'Myopathies' and Malignant Hyperthermia --;6 Myotonia and Myotonic Disorders --;7 The Periodic Paralyses --;8 Inflammatory Myopathies --;9 Disorders of Muscle Energy Metabolism and Mitochondria --;10 Neuromuscular Manifestations of Endocrine Dysfunction --;11 Toxic Myopathies.
Text of Note
Neurologists and non-neurologists alike can no longer ignore diseases of the neuromuscular system. Treatment of the neuromuscular diseases has also un- dergone dramatic change based on new discoveries in the fields of immunology and pharmacology.