SAPP/PASS Applications and Experiences.- 18.1 Development of Communication Software.- 18.2 Development of Process Control Software.- 18.3 Experience.- 19 Discussion of SAPP/PASS.- 19.1 Relationship to Types of Software Life Cycles.- 19.1.1 Elements of Incremental Software Development.- 19.1.2 Elements of Evolutionary Software Development.- 19.1.3 Elements of Operational Software Development.- 19.1.4 Combinations of Software Development Paradigms.- 19.2 Reuse of Software.- 19.3 SAPP Descriptions of Systems.- 19.4 PASS Specifications of Processes.- 19.5 Project Management.- 19.6 Tools.- 19.7 Subject Oriented Programming.- Literature.
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I.- 1 Introduction to Distributed Systems and Distributed Software.- 1.1 Changes in Computing Technology.- 1.2 Characteristics of Distributed Systems.- 1.3 Parallel or Concurrent Programs.- 1.4 Networked Computing.- 1.4.1 Network Structure and the Remote Procedure Call Concept.- 1.4.2 Distributed Computing Environment (DCE).- 1.5 Cooperative Computing.- 1.5.1 Communication Software Systems.- 1.5.2 Technical Process Control Software Systems.- 1.5.3 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).- 1.5.4 Groupware.- 1.6 Combination of Network Computing and Cooperative Computing.- 2 Software Engineering.- 2.1 Milestones in Software Evolution.- 2.2 Software Engineering Activities.- 2.2.1 Software Requirement Engineering.- 2.2.2 Software Design.- 2.2.3 Implementation and Testing.- 2.2.4 Project Management.- 2.3 Software Engineering Environments.- 3 Classification of Software System Types.- 3.1 Relationship to the Environment.- 3.1.1 Domain Independent Software.- 3.1.2 Domain Dependent Software.- 3.2 General Behaviour.- 3.2.1 Time constraints.- 3.2.2 System Reliability.- 3.3 Program Types.- 3.4 Computer Architecture.- 3.5 Examples.- 3.6 Discussion.- 4 Software Life Cycles.- 4.1 The Conventional Life Cycle.- 4.2 Prototyping.- 4.2.1 Evolutionary Life Cycle.- 4.2.2 Incremental Life Cycle.- 4.3 Operational Life Cycle.- 4.4 The Transformational Life Cycle.- 4.5 Knowledge Based Life Cycle.- 4.6 Evaluation.- 5 Methods: Concepts.- 5.1 Function Oriented.- 5.1.1 Informal Functional Specification.- 5.1.2 Predicate Transformation.- 5.1.3 Algebraic Specification.- 5.2 Data Structure Oriented.- 5.2.1 Jackson Structured Programming (JSP).- 5.2.2 Warrier/Orr Program Design and Construction Method.- 5.2.3 Entity Relationship Diagrams.- 5.3 Data Flow Oriented.- 5.4 Control Flow Oriented.- 5.5 Object Oriented.- 5.5.1 Principles of Object Oriented Software System Development.- 5.5.2 Object Oriented Concurrent Systems.- 5.5.3 Object Oriented Distributed Systems.- 5.5.4 Example of an Object Oriented Development Method.- 6 Methods for Concurrent Software System Development.- 6.1 System Decomposition and Process Structure.- 6.1.1 Decomposition Concepts in SREM.- 6.1.2 Decomposition Concepts in SDL.- 6.1.3 Decomposition Concepts in Estelle.- 6.1.4 Decomposition Concepts in LOTOS.- 6.1.5 Decomposition Concepts in Other SEE's or Programming Languages.- 6.2 Communication.- 6.2.1 Indirect Information Exchange.- 6.2.2 Remote Procedure Call.- 6.2.3 Direct Communication.- 6.2.4 Relationship between Communication Type and System Architecture.- 6.3 Synchronisation.- 6.3.1 Direct Process Control.- 6.3.2 Synchronisation Concepts for Indirect Communication.- 6.3.3 Synchronisation Methods for Direct Communication, Message Passing.- 6.3.4 Examples: Communication and Synchronisation.- Communication and Synchronisation Concepts in SREM.- Communication and Synchronisation Concepts in SDL.- Communication and Synchronisation Concepts in Estelle.- Communication and Synchronisation Concepts in LOTOS.- Communication and Synchronisation Concepts in Other SEE's and Programming Languages.- 6.4 Specifications of Process Behaviour.- 6.4.1 General Remarks.- 6.4.2 State Oriented Explicit Specification of Process Behaviour.- 6.4.3 Transition-Oriented Explicit Specification of Process Behaviour.- 6.4.4 Implicit Behaviour Process Specifications.- 6.4.5 Examples.- Behaviour Description in SREM.- Behaviour Description in SDL.- Behaviour Description in Estelle.- Behaviour Description in LOTOS.- Behaviour Description in Other SEE's and Programming Languages.- 6.5 Task Allocation.- 6.5.1 SREM.- 6.5.2 Others.- 6.6 Methods/Methodologies.- 6.6.1 SREM.- 6.6.2 Estelle, SDL, LOTOS.- 6.6.3 Others.- 7 The Management of Software Development.- 7.1 Defining a Project.- 7.2 Planning a Project.- 7.2.1 Work Breakdown Structure.- 7.2.2 Project Schedule.- 7.2.3 Resources and Budget.- 7.2.4 Software Quality.- 7.3 Project Control.- 7.4 Peopleware.- 7.4.1 Project Organisation and Team Structure.- 7.4.2 Productive Teams.- 8 Tools.- 8.1 Analysis and Design Tools.- 8.2 Implementation Tools.- 8.3 Project Management Tools.- 8.4 Integrated CASE Environments.- 8.4.1 Classification of CASE Environments.- 8.4.2 Types of Integration.- 8.5 Examples of Integrated CASE Environments.- 8.5.1 Cohesion of Digital Equipment Corporation.- 8.5.2 AD/Cycle of IBM.- 8.6 Method Oriented CASE Environments.- 8.6.1 SREM.- 8.6.2 Estelle.- 8.6.3 LOTOS.- 8.6.4 SDL.- II.- 9 Overview.- 9.1 Development Goals.- 9.2 Main Characteristics of the SAPP/PASS Methodology.- 9.2.1 Decomposition of Systems into Subsystems and Processes.- 9.2.2 Specification of Processes.- 9.3 SAPP/PASS Based Development Activities.- 9.4 SAPP/PASS Based Project Management.- 9.5 SAPP/PASS Based Tools.- 9.6 Experience.- 10 Decomposing a System.- 10.1 Decomposition of the System Context.- 10.2 Decomposition of Systems into Process Sets.- 10.3 Decomposing Process Sets into Processes.- 10.4 Shared Objects, Process Clusters, Process Groups.- 10.5 Process Clusters.- 10.6 Process Groups.- 11 Process Communication and Synchronisation.- 11.1 Direct Process Communication and Synchronisation.- 11.1.1 Maximum Size.- 11.1.2 Attributes.- 11.1.3 Structure.- 11.1.4 Time Restrictions.- 11.1.5 Application of Input Pools.- 11.2 Indirect Communication.- 12 Process Behaviour.- 12.1 The PASS Graph.- 12.1.1 Send Messages.- 12.1.2 Receive Messages.- 12.1.3 Internal Functions.- 12.1.4 Internal Operations.- 12.1.5 Process Pointer Variables.- 12.1.6 Time Requirements in PASS Graph.- 12.1.7 A Textual Notation for PASS Graphs.- 12.1.8 The Combined Use of Priorities and Structured Input Pools.- 12.2 PASS Graph Macros and PASS Graph Types.- 12.3 Behaviour Expressions instead of PASS Graphs.- 13 Refinements of a Process.- 13.1 PASS Graph Refinements.- 13.1.1 Receive Message Specifications.- 13.1.2 Send Message Specification.- 13.1.3 Internal Operation Specification.- 13.1.4 Internal Function Specification.- 13.2 Specification Techniques for Refinements.- 13.2.1 Hierarchy of Modules.- 13.2.2 Object Oriented Technologies.- 13.3 Shared Objects.- 13.4 Process Types.- 14 Implementation of SAPP/PASS Specifications.- 14.1 Parallel Programming Languages with Message Operations.- 14.1.1 Language Overview.- 14.1.2 Implementation of PASS Graphs, Input Pools and Message Exchange.- 14.2 Parallel Programming Languages with Common Objects.- 14.2.1 Language Overview.- 14.2.2 Implementation of Input Pools and Message Exchange.- 14.2.3 Implementation of PASS Graphs.- 14.3 Sequential Programming Languages.- 14.3.1 Simulation of Processes.- 14.3.2 Implementation of Input Pools and Message Exchange.- 14.3.3 Implementation of PASS Graphs.- 15 SAPP/PASS Based Project Management.- 15.1 SAPP/PASS Based Program Development Activities.- 15.1.1 Context Identification.- 15.1.2 Decomposition.- 15.1.3 Process Specification.- 15.1.4 Process Implementation and Test.- 15.2 Project Management Activities.- 15.2.1 Planning a Software Project.- 15.2.2 Project Organizing, Directing and, Controlling.- 15.3 Quality Assurance.- 16 PASS Based Computer Aided Software Engineering.- 16.1 Tool Concepts for Structured Decomposition.- 16.2 Tools for Describing Processes.- 16.2.1 Consitency Checking.- 16.2.2 Optimisation.- 16.2.3 Subsetting.- 16.3 Validation Tools.- 16.3.1 Prolog Based Validation Tools.- 16.3.2 Validation Tools Based on Graph Replacement System.- 16.4 Concepts for Implementation Tools.- 16.5 Concepts for Project Management Tools.- 17 A SAPP/PASS Based Software Engineering Environment.- 17.1 Basic Concepts of the 3C Tools.- 17.1.1 SYSMAN - The System Manager.- 17.1.2 PROCMAN - The Processtype Manager.- 17.1.3 SAGE - The Systems Analysis Graphical Editor.- 17.1.4 PAGE - The PASS Graph Editor.- 17.1.5 IPET - The Input Pool Editor.- 17.2 CASE Study - Software Project Using the 3C Tools.- 17.2.1 Description of the Brewery Project.- 17.2.2 The Use of SAPP/PASS to Implement this Concept.- 18
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It emphasises the relationship between software life cycles, meth- ods, tools and project management, and how these constitute the framework of an open software engineering environment, especially in the development of distrib- uted software systems.