Active construction of percepts about object location / Dori Derdikman [and others]. Neuronal encoding of natural stimuli : the rat tactile system / Mathew E. Diamond, Erik Zorzin, and Ehsan Arabzadeh. Cortical commands in active touch / Michael Brecht. Switching of sensorimotor transformations : antisaccades and parietal cortex / Shabtai Barash and Mingsha Zhang. Saccade initiation and the reliability of motor signals involved in the generation of saccadic eye movements / David L. Sparks and Xintian Hu. Multiple roles of experience in decoding the neural representation of sensory stimuli / Joshua I. Gold. Computational approaches to visual decision making / Jochen Ditterich. The inferior parietal lobule : where action becomes perception / Giacomo Rizzolatti [and others]. The evolution of the neocortex in mammals : intrinsic and extrinsic contributions to the cortical phenotype / Sarah J. Karlen and Leah Krubitzer. Decoding the temporal evolution of a simple perceptual act / Ranulfo Romo [and others]. Probabilistic mechanisms in sensorimotor control / Konrad P. Ko͏̈rding and Daniel M. Wolpert Human brain activation during viewing of dynamic natural scenes / Uri Hasson and Rafael Malach. Representation of object images by combinations of visual features in the macaque inferior temporal cortex / Manabu Tanifuji, Kazushige Tsunoda, and Yukako Yamane. Psychophysical investigations into cortical encoding of vibrotactile stimuli / Justin A. Harris. Why is language unique to humans? / Jacques Mehler [and others].
Motor ability -- Physiological aspects -- Congresses.