OverviewIntroduction to Cellular and Tissue Engineering, Hanry Yu and Abhishek AnanthanarayananIn Vitro ApplicationsConfocal Microscopy for Cellular Imaging: High-Content Screening, Baixue Zheng and Abhishek AnanthanarayananUse of Multiphoton Microscopy for Tissue Engineering Applications, Wei-Liang Chen, Hsuan-Shu Lee, and Chen-Yuan DongTwo-Photon Microscopy for Surface Mapping and Organ Characterization, Anju Mythreyi RajaAtomic Force Microscopy for Cell and Tissue Niche, Wanxin Sun In Vivo ApplicationsMagnetic Resonance Imaging to Monitor Implanted Constructs, Nicholas E. Simpson and Athanassios SambanisApplication of Imaging Technologies to Stem-Cell Tracking In Vivo, Sheng-Xiang Xie and Kishore Kumar BhakooComputer Tomography and Micro-CT for Tissue Engineering Application, Zhang Zhiyong, Jerry K.Y. Chan, and Teoh Swee HinIntravascular Optical Coherence Tomography, Liu Linbo and Atsushi TanakaImaging of Therapeutic Processes in Animals Using Optical Reporter Genes, Ying Zhao, Jiakai Lin, and Shu WangImaging in Metabolic Medicine, Jinling Lu, Kishore Kumar Bhakoo, Kai-Hsiang Chuang, George K. Radda, Philip W. Kuchel, and Weiping HanHigh-Resolution X-Ray Cone-Beam Microtomography, Xiaochun Xu and Ping-Chin ChengData AnalysisImage Analysis for Cellular and Tissue Engineering, Shuoyu Xu, Piyushkumar A. Mundra, Huipeng Li, Shiwen Zhu, Roy E. Welsch, and Jagath C. RajapakseIndex
Text of Note
Details on specific imaging modalities for different cellular and tissue engineering applications are scattered throughout articles and chapters in the literature. Gathering this information into a single reference, Imaging in Cellular and Tissue Engineering presents both the fundamentals and state of the art in imaging methods, approaches, and applications in regenerative medicine. The book underscores the broadening scope of imaging applications in cellular and tissue engineering. It covers a wide range of optical and biological applications, including the repair or replacement of whole tiss.