1 ressource en ligne xvii, 937 p.) : illustrations, portrait
Text of Note
General OrthopaedicsDiagnosis in OrthopaedicsInfectionInflamatory Rheumatic DisordersCrystal Deposition DisordersOsteoarthritisOsteonecrosis and Related DisordersMetabolic and Endocrine DisordersGenetic Disorders, Skeletal Dysplasias and MalformationsTumoursNeuromuscular DisordersPeripheral Nerve InjuriesOrthopaedic OperationsRegional OrthopaedicsThe Shoulder and Pectoral GirdleThe Elbow and ForearmThe WristThe HandThe NeckThe BackThe HipThe KneeThe Ankle and FootFractures and Joint Injuries: The Management of Major InjuriesPrinciples of FracturesInjuries of the Shoulder, Upper Arm and ElbowInjuries of the Forearm and WristHand InjuriesInjuries of the SpineInjuries of the PelvisInjuries of the Hip and FemurInjuries of the Knee and LegInjuries of the Ankle and Foot