1. Knitting at a glance --;2. Classification of knitting --;3. Weft knitting elements and loop formation --;4. General terms in weft knitting --;5. Basic weft-knitted structures --;6. Some special terms and techniques --;7. Circular weft knitting machine and mechanism --;8. Design and design elements --;9. Flat bed knitting --;10. Some aspects of weft-knitting science --;11. Quality aspects in knitting --;12. Warp knitting machines and knitting elements --;13. Principles of loop formation in warp knitting --;14. Warp-knitted stitches and structures --;15. Double needle bar warp knitting machine --;16. Some aspects of warp knitting science --;17. Developments in knitting --;18. Yarn and its selection for knitting --;19. Application of electronics in knitting --;20. Yarn tension in knitting and its measurement --;21. Mechanics of loop formation in weft knitting --;22. Mechanics and mechanism of warp loop formation --;23. Knitting related calculations --;24. Production of spacer fabrics in knitting --;25. Scope of knitting garment manufacturing --;26. Analysis and testing knitted fabrics --;27. Scope of knitting in the manufacture of medical textiles --;28. Concept of green business in knitting and knitwear industries.
Text of Note
The book looks at the history of knitting and how the process has evolved to the latest developments. Chapters discuss the principles involved in all types of knitting machines and the different types of loops and knitted structures.