List of Boxes, Figures and Tables --;List of Abbreviations --;Acknowledgements --;Introduction --;From Elite to Third Way Democracy? --;PART I: UNDERSTANDING CONSTITUTIONAL CHANGE --;Constitutional Doctrine and Revisionism in the Labour Party --;The Rise of the Competition State --;The New Constitutionalism --;PART II: CASE STUDIES IN CONSTITUTIONAL CONTINUITY AND CHANGE --;Electoral Reform and the Clammy Hands of Centralism --;Parliamentary Reform --;Reforming the House of Lords --;Bringing Rights Home --;Freedom of Information and Open Government --;Devolution to Scotland and Wales --;Is Power Devolved, Power Retained? --;A Different Union, A Different Ireland? --;Constitutional Futures --;The New Constitutionalism and the Impact of Spill-Over --;Conclusion --;Elite Democracy is Third Way Democracy in Disguise --;Notes --;Bibliography --;Internet Sources --;Index.
Text of Note
Since coming to power in 1997 the Labour government 's programme of constitutional reform represents an historic challenge to both British constitutional doctrine and Labour Party orthodoxy.