1: Sleep and Disordered Sleep --;Sleep-Introductory Notes --;Chronobiological Aspects of Sleep Disorders --;Critical Assessment Issues in Disordered Sleep and Wakefulness --;The Interaction of Drugs with Sleep --;2: Measurement --;Measurement of Sleep Fragmentation --;Paroxysmal Awakenings from Sleep --;A Model of Sleep Fragmentation Causing Excessive Daytime Sleepiness --;Various Components of Respiratory Control During Sleep, Rest, and Strain --;Interindividual Differences in Sleep Patterns During Night and Shift Work --;The Application of Time-Series Analysis to the Diagnosis of Complex Internal Disorders: Sleep Apnea --;Techniques to Construct Respiratory Waveforms from VCG/ECG --;Use of Tracheal Sound Recordings to Monitor Airflow During Sleep --;Thoracoabdominal Motion in Health and Disease --;Assessment of the Time Structure of Sleep Apneas --;An Apnea-Monitoring Device Based on Variation of Heart Rate and Snoring --;Vigilance and Performance in Sleep Apnea Under Single-Dose Theophylline Therapy --;Computerization of Respiratory Parameters During Sleep --;EEG-Analysis Among Patients with Sleep Apnea by Means of a Microcomputer --;Acquisition and Storage of Sleep-Related Biosignals --;3: Epidemiology I --;Sleep Disturbances and Cardiovascular Risk: A Biopsychosocial Approach --;Sleep and Stress --;Prevalence of Sleep Complaints Among Swedish Men --;An Epidemiological Study --;4: Epidemiology II-Snoring --;Clinical Approach to Heavy Snorers' Disease and Other Sleep-Related Respiratory Disorders --;Snoring as a Risk Factor for Ischaemic Heart Disease and Stroke in Men --;Snoring, Sleep Apnea, and Hypertension in a Field Study --;5: Epidemiology III-Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders --;Rediscovering Sleepy Patients: The Sleep Apnea Syndrome --;The Prevalence of Increased Pulmonary Arterial Pressure Among Sleep Apneics --;Sleep Apnea Activity and General Morbidity in a Field Study --;Breathing During Sleep in Normal Subjects --;Sleep-Related Disordered Breathing, Daytime Hypertension, and Nocturnal Hypotension in Older Males --;6: Cardiorespiratory Disorders During Sleep and Hemodynamics --;Nocturnal Hyopxemia and Pulmonary Arterial Blood Pressure --;Interaction of Sleep Apnea and Chronic Lung Disease --;The Role of Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders in Cardiorespiratory Disease: Hemodynamics --;7: Cardiovasular Risk and Sleep Apnea --;Nocturnal Hemodynamics in Patients with Sleep Apnea --;Plasma Levels of Catecholamines and Cardiovascular Parameters During Sleep in Patients with Sleep Apnea Syndrome --;Echocardiographic Findings in Sleep Apnea --;Bradyarrhythmias in Patients with Sleep Apnea --;8: Therapy --;Treatment of Sleep Apnea by Prosthetic Mandibular Advancement --;Review of the Therapeutic Approaches to Sleep Apnea --;Five Years' Experience with Home Nasal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Therapy for the Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome --;Problems in the Application of Nasal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure for the Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Hypoxemia During Sleep on Nasal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Treatment --;Hemodynamics in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome Patients Treated by Continuous Positive Airway Pressure --;Reversibility of Severe Cardiac Arrhythmias in Sleep Apnea Under Nasal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Therapy --;Current Research in Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders: Conclusions for Internal Diagnostics and Therapy.
Text of Note
The normal function of the organism in various stages of activity can be seen as a process of mutual interaction of different regulation mechanisms building up the behaviour of the organism in changing situations and/or ages and/or levels of health or disease.