Law and disorder in the postcolony: an introduction / John L. Comaroff and Jean Comaroff --;The mute and the unspeakable: political subjectivity, violent, crime, and "the sexual thing" in a South African mining community / Rosalind C. Morris --;"I came to sabotage your reasoning!": violence and resignifications of justice in Brazil / Teresa P.R. Caldeira --;Death squads and democracy in Northeast Brazil / Nancy Scheper-Hughes --;Some notes on disorder in the Indonesian postcolony / Patricia Spyer --;Witchcraft and the limits of the law: Cameroon and South Africa / Peter Geschiere --;The ethics of illegality in the Chad Basin / Janet Roitman --;Criminal obsessions, after foucault: postcoloniality, policing, and the metaphysics of disorder / Jean Comaroff and John L. Comaroff --;On politics as a form of expenditure / Achille Mbembe --;Contributors --;Index.
Text of Note
Are postcolonies haunted more by criminal violence than other nation-states? The usual answer is yes. In Law and Disorder in the Postcolony, Jean and John Comaroff and a group of respected theorists show that the question is misplaced: that the predicament of postcolonies arises from their place in a world order dominated by new modes of governance, new sorts of empires, new species of wealth?an order that criminalizes poverty and race, entraps the?south? in relations of corruption, and displaces politics into the realms of the market, criminal economies, and the courts. As these essays make.