Natural Language Processing and Information Systems.
General Material Designation
First Statement of Responsibility
Zoubida Kedad
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Berlin ; London
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
Series Title
Lecture notes in computer science, 1959.
Text of Note
Linguistics in Information Systems Design.- Word Net++: A Lexicon Supporting the Color-X Method.- Temporal Databases.- Generating Narratives from Plots Using Schema Information.- Temporal Granularity Enlightened by Knowledge.- Word-Sense Disambiguation.- Coping with Different Types of Ambiguity Using a Uniform Context Handling Mechanism.- WSD Algorithm Applied to a NLP System.- "Beijing Frowns and Washington Pays Close Attention" Computer Processing of Relations between Geographical Proper Names in Foreign Affairs.- Semantic Relationships in Databases.- Understanding and Representing Relationship Semantics in Database Design.- An Ontology for Classifying the Semantics of Relationships in Database Design.- A Very Large Database of Collocations and Semantic Links.- Semantic and Contextual Document Retrieval, Traceability.- Using Terminology Extraction to Improve Traceability from Formal Models to Textual Requirements.- Natural Language Analysis for Semantic Document Modeling.- Domain Analysis and Queries in Context.- Natural Language Generat on for Answering E-Mail and OLAP.- Using Information Extraction and Natural Language Generation to Answer E-Mail.- Using OLAP and Data Mining for Content Planning in Natural Language Generation.- NLP Techniques for Informat on Retrieval.- Toward an Enhancement of Textual Database Retrieval Using NLP Techniques.- Document Identification by Shallow Semantic Analysis.- Automated Information Extraction out of Classified Advertisements.- WEB Information Retrieval.- A Smart Web Query Engine for Semantic Retrieval of Web Data and Its Application to E-Trading.- GETESS: Constructing a Linguistic Search Index for an Internet Search Engine.- Using Semantics for Efficient Information Retrieval.- Guidelines for NL-Based Requirements Specifications in NIBA.- Developing Document Analysis and Data Extraction Tools for Entity Modelling.- On the Automatization of Database Conceptual Modelling through Linguistic Engineering.- Technical Databases.- The REVERE Project: Experiments with the Application of Probabilistic NLP to Systems Engineering.- Presenting Mathematical Concepts as an Example for Inference-Rich Domains.- Users and Interactions in WEB Querying.- Modeling Interaction and Media Objects.- Conceptual Patterns.- Validating Conceptual Models - Utilising Analysis Patterns as an Instrument for Explanation Generation.- Conceptual Patterns - A Consolidation of Coad's and Wohed's Approaches.- Patterns Retrieval System: A First Attempt.- Posters and Demonstrations.- Ontology Learning from Text.- ISIS: Interaction through Speech with Information Systems.- Effects of Hypertext Navigational Structure on Knowledge Acquisition.- MEDIEVAL : A Navigation Tool Through Medieval Documents.- MESIA: A Web Site Assistant for Document Filtering.- LExIS A Query Language to Scan Information Flow.- A Financial Data Mining Trading System.