I Introduction --;1 Vegetables and the World Food Supply --;2 Origin and Evolution of Vegetables --;3 Vegetable Classifications --;4 Importance of Vegetables in Nutrition --;5 Toxic Substances and Folk Medicinal Uses of Vegetables --;II Principles of Growing Vegetables --;6 Environmental Factors Influencing the Growth of Vegetables --;7 Devices and Means of Controlling Climate for Vegetable Production in Adverse Climates and During Off Seasons --;III World Vegetables --;8 Global View of Vegetable Usage --;A Starchy Roots, Tubers and Fruits --;9 White or Irish Potato --;10 Sweet Potato --;11 Cassava (Manioc) --;12 Yam --;13 Edible Aroids: Taro, Yautia, and Others --;14 Other Starchy Underground Vegetables --;15 Sweet Corn --;16 Plantain (Starchy Banana) and Breadfruit --;B Succulent Roots, Bulbs, Tops, and Fruits --;17 Alliums: Onion, Garlic, and Others --;18 Composites --;19 Crucifers --;20 Umbellifers: Carrot, Celery, and Condiment Herbs --;21 Vegetable Legumes --;22 Solanaceous Fruits: Tomato, Eggplant, Peppers, and Others --;23 Cucurbits --;24 Chenopods --;25 Other Succulent Vegetables.
Text of Note
This text and reference book was written because of the urgings of my colleagues here and abroad and also by my students to fill the need for a comprehensive book describing vegetables important as food crops of the world.