Chronicle of DNA methylation (1948-1975) / A. Weissbach --;Major techniques to study DNA methylation / H.P. Saluz and J.P. Jost --;Methylation of cytosine influences the DNA structure / W. Zacharias --;Methylation of DNA in prokaryotes / M. Noyer-Weidner and T.A. Trautner --;Structure, function and regulation of mammalian DNA methyltransferase / H. Leonhardt and T.H. Bestor --;Regulation of the de novo methylation / R.L.P. Adams [and others] --;Effect of DNA methylation on the binding of vertebrate and plant proteins to DNA / M. Ehrlich and K.C. Ehrlich --;CpG islands / F. Antequera and A. Bird --;DNA methyltransferases and DNA site-specific endonucleases encoded by chlorella viruses / M. Nelson, Y. Zhang and J.L. Van Etten --;Control of DNA methylation in fungi / E.U. Selker --;Role of DNA methylation in the regulation of plant expression / E.J. Finnegan, R.I.S. Brettell and E.S. Dennis --;Pattern of de novo methylation and promoter inhibition: studies on the adenovirus and the human genome / W. Doerfler --;DNA methylation and retrovirus expression / D.P. Bednarik. (cont) Effect of DNA methylation on dynamic properties of the helix and nuclear protein binding in the H-ras promoter / M.J. Rachal, P. Holton and J.N. Lapeyre --;DNA methylation and embryogenesis / A. Razin and H. Cedar --;X chromosome inactivation and DNA methylation / J. Singer-Sam and A.D. Riggs --;DNA methylation: its possible functional role in developmental regulation of human globin gene families / C. Chu and C.K.J. Shen --;DNA methylation, chromatin structure and the regulation of gene expression / M. Graessmann and A. Graessmann --;Steroid hormone-dependent changes in DNA methylation and its significance for the activation or silencing of specific genes / J.P. Jost and H.P. Saluz --;Epigenetic inheritance based on DNA methylation / R. Holliday --;DNA methylation and genomic imprinting in mammals / H. Sasaki, N.D. Allen and M.A. Surani --;DNA methylation and cancer / C.H. Spruck, III, W.M. Rideout, III and P.A. Jones --;Repair of 5-methylcytosine deamination damage / K. Wiebauer [and others] --;Gene methylation patterns and expression / A. Yeivin and A. Razin.
Text of Note
The explosive increase in the number of publications dealing with DNA methylation attests to its importance and makes it impossible to write a comprehensive coverage of the literature within the scope of a general review. Since the publication of the 3 most recent books dealing with the subject (DNA methylation by Razin A.