The changing health services environment and its impact on quality management in behavioral health / Warwick G. Troy and Sharon A. Shueman --;Challenges to the preservation of quality in cost-contained behavioral health systems / Steven S. Sharfstein and Anne M. Stoline --;Protecting the consumer : issues in the development and implementation of practice guidelines / Judith Emerson and George Stricker --;Information management for clinical decision making / Ron L. Meredith, Stephen L. Bair, and G.R. Ford --;Quality improvement : current research in outcome management / Michael J. Lambert, Jonathan C. Huefner, and Curtis W. Reisinger --;Provider profiling as a quality improvement tool / Sharon A. Shueman and Nancy E. Lane --;The role of the managed care organization in ensuring quality of the service system : maintaining the full continuum of services / Susan J. Penner --;Critical indicators of quality of a service system : what graduate school never taught you about accountability / Sharon A. Shueman and Kathy Allen --;Challenges to quality management in the public sector / Susan J. Penner, Sheila Baler, Margaret Walkover, and Edward Cohen --;Quality management practice issues in behavioral health groups / David A. Young and Stephen Long --;Ensuring quality in the treatment of chemical dependency / David A. Zanis and A. Thomas McLellan --;Quality management in practice : re-visioning practice guidelines to improve treatment of anxiety and traumatic stress disorders / Daniel J. Abrahamson and Karen W. Saakvitne --;Practice guidelines regarding the conduct of psychotherapy with children and adolescents / Richard J. Morris and Yvonne P. Morris --;Using practice guidelines for quality improvement in the treatment of depressive disorders in managed delivery systems / Michael Jospe --;Governmental initiatives in the area of quality assurance / Patrick H. DeLeon, Nancy K. Gilmore-Lee, Stephen A. Ragusea, and Paul A. Eckert --;The role of external entities in the quality management process : the National Committee for Quality Assurance / Maureen Mangotich --;Licensing and credentialing as quality management tools in behavioral health care / Judy E. Hall --;Legal and quality of care issues for providers in managed behavioral health care arrangements / Shirley Ann Higuchi and Cherie Jones --;Role of professional organizations in advancing quality of care within the behavioral health professions / William L. Claiborn --;The consumer's role in assessing quality / Barry Blackwell, Kathleen Eilers, and Don Robinson, Jr. --;Afterword / Warwick C. Troy and Sharon A. Shueman.
Text of Note
Designed as a general resource in the field of behavioral health quality management for a very diverse group of readers. This text provides a context for the development of quality management (QM) in health services - behavioral health in particular - as well as an overview of tools, techniques, and programs reflecting QM in practice.
Mental health services -- Quality control.
Mental health services -- United States -- Quality control.
Mental Health Services.
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[edited by] George Stricker, Warwick G. Troy, Sharon A. Shueman.