Reprinted from Pure and applied geophysics (PAGEOPH), volume 138 (1992), no. 4--Title page verso.
Text of Note
Towards a new view of earthquake phenomena, K. Ito; an asperity model to simulate rupture along heterogeneous fault surfaces, J.M. Kemeny and R.M. Hagaman; chaotic seismic faulting with a mass-spring model and velocity-weakening friction, J. Huang and D.L. Turcotte; multifractal analysis of earthquakes, T. Hirabayashi, K. Ito and T. Yoshii; the mechanisms of finite brittle strain, G.C.P. King and C.G. Sammis; stress-induced crack path in Aji granite under tensile stress, Y. Kudo, P. Sano, N. Murashige, Y. Mizuta and K. Nakagawa; relation of fracture resistance to fabric for granitic rocks, O. Sano and Y. Kudo; fractures - finite-size scaling and multifractals, L.J. Pyrak-Nolte, L.R. Myer, D.D. Nolte.