1 Materials and Manufacturing of Orthopaedic Bone Screws --;2 Biomechanics of Cannulated and Noncannulated Screws --;3 Fluoroscopic Procedures in Orthopaedics: Radiation Exposure of Patients and Personnel --;4 Intracapsular Hip Fractures --;5 Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis --;6 Acetabular Reconstruction with Allografts Utilizing Cannulated Screws --;7 Pelvic and Acetabular Fractures --;8 Cannulated Screws for Pelvic Fractures --;9 Internal Fixation of Sacral Fractures --;10 The Knee: Tibial Plateau Fracture Reduction Techniques Utilizing Cannulated Screw Fixation --;11 The Knee: Arthroscopic Surgery with Cannulated Screw Fixation --;12 Use of Cannulated Screws in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction --;13 Ankle Fractures --;14 Composite Fixation for Juxtaarticular Fractures --;15 Ankle Arthrodesis --;16 The Foot --;17 The Spine --;18 The Shoulder --;19 Fractures About the Elbow.
Text of Note
Cannulated Screw Fixation is the first volume of its kind to provide both the biomechanics of these screw systems as well as complete operative techniques.