Update in intensive care and emergency medicine, 17.
Text of Note
Monitoring Compositional Changes and Biochemical Functions --;Measuring Body Composition in Intensive Care Patients --;Applications of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy to Nutrition and Metabolism --;Muscle Function and Energetics --;Muscle Intracellular Ions during Malnutrition and Refeeding --;Estimation of Peroxidative Damage --;What Type of Metabolic Support? --;Does Indirect Calorimetry Reflect Energy Expenditure in the Critical Ill Patient? --;Are We Giving Unbalanced Amino Acid Solutions? --;Anabolic Drive in Critically Ill Patients: Pros and Cons a Prevailing Glucose System --;Are Present Fat Emulsions Appropriate? --;Organ Specific Nutrients and Associated Therapy --;Effects of Enteral Nutrients on the Critically Ill Gut --;Nutrition of some Cells of the Immune System and its Importance in the Response to Trauma --;The Impact of Nutrition on Muscle Tissue in Critical Illness --;Enhancing Wound Healing in Severely Burned Patients --;Organ Specific Nutrients and Associated Therapy: Growth Factors --;Growth Hormone --;Preventing Complications --;Parenteral versus Enteral Nutrition --;The Importance of the Gut as a Central Organ in the Pathogenesis of MOF --;Altering Bowel Contents with Lactulose and other Substances prevents Endotoxemia --;Metabolic Support: Modulation of Purine Metabolism --;Metabolic Responses to Anti-Cytokine Therapies --;The Maintenance of Antioxidant Defenses during Inflammation --;Disease/Nutrients Interactions --;Acute Renal Failure in the ICU: Approaches to Nutritional Support --;Nutritional Support in Liver Disease --;Nutrition and Metabolism in Acute Respiratory Failure --;Nutritional Complications associated with Chemotherapy and Irradiation in Cancer Treatment --;Nutrition in Sepsis.
Text of Note
Nutritional support of critically ill patients is a major treatment modality which will enhance recovery and shorten convalescence. This new knowledge has evolved to a new area of metabolic support which is addressed for the first time by a group of international experts.