Flash Points of Organic and Organometallic Compounds
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by Richard M. Stephenson.
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Springer Netherlands
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Text of Note
Flash Points.
Text of Note
This book brings together and makes easily accessible data on flash points pres ently listed in the standard references, plus many values measured in American indus trial laboratories and European data as represented by the Fluka catalog and by values given in Nabert and Schoen. It is a collection that should be useful to those involved in manufacturing, handling, and shipping the many organics and organometallics now in production. The author would like to thank David Harvey, President, and Chuck Pouchert, of Aldrich Chemical Company, for permission to use their material and for provid ing a computer printout of some six thousand chemicals listed in the Aldrich cata log. Flash points for most of these chemicals were measured in the Aldrich laboratories and are not available elsewhere. Thanks are due also to Dr. Marjan Bace of Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc., who recognized the need for a handbook on flash points and handled the pub lishing arrangements. Particular thanks go to my wife, Mary, who prepared the entire camera-ready manuscript. Richard M. Stephenson The University of Connecticut Storrs, Connecticut December, 1986 v Introduction Flash points are of particular importance to those involved with the handling and ship ping of organics and organometaliics. As each country has its own shipping regula tions, this can be a real problem for international shippers. Many flash points have been determined by individual chemical manufacturers in answer to their own needs.