Table of contents: Prolegomena, The Goddesses and the Gods of Water, Water for Human Consumption Through the History, History of Water and Health, Diachronic Climatic Changes Impact on Water Resources, The Impact of Climate Changes on the Evolution of Water Supply Works in the Region of Jerusalem, Water Supply Technologies in Ancient Crete, Greece, Urban Water Management in Ancient Greece, Historical Development of Water Supply in Cyprus, Water Supply in Pre-Columbian Civilizations in Ancient Peru and South America, Water Supply in Ancient Egypt, Contribution of the Greek and Roman Civilizations to the Evolution of Water Supply, History of Water Supply in Premodern China, Hydraulics Techniques in the Middle-east during Roman and Byzantine Periods, Water Services in Tenochtitlan and in Mexico City, Mexico, Water Supply Sustainability of Ancient Civilizations in Mesoamerica and the America Southwest, Water Supply of Barcelona City, Spain Throughout the Centuries, Water Supply of Athens city, Greece in Antiquity, History of the Water Supply of Rome, Italy, Analysis of the Water Supply System of the Ancient city of Apamea (Syria), during Roman and Byzantine Periods: A Case study, Water Supply in Modern Times in Relation to the Ancient Civilizations: Legacies and Lessons