Intrinsic mutagenesis, a genetic approach to ageing
General Material Designation
First Statement of Responsibility
Sir Macfarlane Burnet.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
New York
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
J. Wiley
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
ix, 244 pages : graphs ; 23 cm.
Series Title
Wiley biomedical-health publication.
Text of Note
Part 1: Mutation and the concept of intrinsic mutagenesis --;1. The two imperatives --;2. Intrinsic mutagenesis: an elementary discussion at the level of molecular biology --;3. Mutator genes and other leads from bacterial genetics --;4. Mutation in evolution --;5. Somatic mutations --;Part 2: Physiology and pathology of ageing --;6. The manifestations of ageing --;7. Ageing: the somatic mutational approach --;8. The thymus in relation to ageing --;9. Other immunological aspects in ageing --;10. Atherosclerosis --;11. Hypothesis of the genetic control of lifespan --;Part 3: Malignant disease --;12. Malignant disease (1) --;13. Malignant disease (2) --;14. Immune surveillance --;15. Lymphoreticular malignancies and their relation to herpesvirus infections --;Part 4: Other age-associated conditions --;16. Human congenital anomalies --;17. Normal and pathological ageing in the post-mitotic cells of the brain --;18. Social implications of the biological approach to ageing.