Cover; Half-Title; Title; Copyright; Dedication; Contents; List of Illustrations; Acknowledgments; Notes from Losaida: A Foreword; Introduction, or, Welcome to the Closet of Barrio Popular Culture; Part 1: A Barrio Altar: Heroes & Icons; A Chicana Hagiography for the Twenty-first Century: Ana Castillo's Locas Santas; In Search of the Authentic Pachuco: An Interpretive Essay; The "Macho" Body as Social Malinche; Part 2: Mythic Barrios: Cultural Myths; Deconstructing the Mythical Homeland: Mexico in Contemporary Chicana Performance A Poverty of Relations: On Not "Making Familia from Scratch," but Scratching Familia"Tanto Tiempo Disfrutamos . . .": Revisiting the Gender and Sexual Politics of Chicana/o Youth Culture in East Los Angeles in the 1960s; The Verse of the Godfather: Signifying Family and Nationalism in Chicano Rap and Hip-Hop Culture; Part 3: Barrio Rites: Popular Rituals; Revisiting the Chavez Ravine: Baseball, Urban Renewal, and the Gendered Civic Culture of Postwar Los Angeles; La Quinceañera: Making Gender and Ethnic Identities Only Cauldrons Know the Secrets of Their Soups: Queer Romance and Like Water for ChocolateCruising Through Low Rider Culture: Chicana/o Identity in the Marketing of Low Rider Magazine; Part 4: Border Barrios: "A Tradition of Long Walks"; Rights of Passage: From Cultural Schizophrenia to Border Consciousness in Cheech Marín's Born in East L.A.; Gendered Bodies and Borders in Contemporary Chican@ Performance and Literature; Lost in the Cinematic Landscape: Chicanas as Lloronas in Contemporary Film; Part 5: Velvet Barrios: Este-reo-tipos/Stereotypes "Lupe's Song": On the Origins of Mexican-Woman-Hating in the United StatesResisting "Beauty" and Real Women Have Curves; Out of the Fringe: Desire and Homosexuality in the 1990s Latino Theater; Velvet Malinche: Fantasies of "the" Aztec Princess in the Chicana/o Sexual Imagination; Part 6: A Barrio Comic: (Introducing . . .); "Los Borrados": A Chicano Quest for Identity in a Post-Apocalyptic, Culturally Defunct Hispanic Utopia (A Reinterpretive Chicano Comic); Contributors; Reprints & Permissions