Front Cover; Contents; Preface; Chapter 1 --;Fields, Forces, and Materials for LEMs; Chapter 2 --;Classifications and Applications of LEMs; Chapter 3 --;Linear Induction Motors: Topologies, Fields, Forces, and Powers Including Edge, End, and Skin Effects; Chapter 4 --;Linear Induction Motors: Circuit Theories, Transients, and Control; Chapter 5 --;Design of Flat and Tubular Low-Speed LIMs; Chapter 6 --;Transportation (Medium- and High-Speed) SLIM Design; Chapter 7 --;DC-Excited Linear Synchronous Motors (DCE-LSM): Steady State, Design, Transients, and Control. Chapter 8 --;Superconducting Magnet Linear Synchronous MotorsChapter 9 --;Homopolar Linear Synchronous Motors (H-LSM): Modeling, Design, and Control; Chapter 10 --;Linear Reluctance Synchronous Motors: Modeling, Performance Design, and Control; Chapter 11 --;Linear Switched Reluctance Motors (L-SRM): Modeling, Design, and Control; Chapter 12 --;Flat Linear Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors; Chapter 13 --;Tubular Linear Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors; Chapter 14 --;Multi-Pole Coil Three- or Two-Phase Linear PM Reluctance Motors; Chapter 15 --;Plunger Solenoids and Their Control. Chapter 16 --;Linear DC PM Brushless MotorsChapter 17 --;Resonant Linear Oscillatory Single-Phase PM Motors/Generators; Chapter 18 --;Multiaxis Linear PM Motor Drives; Chapter 19 --;Attraction Force (Electromagnetic) Levitation Systems; Chapter 20 --;Repulsive Force Levitation Systems; Chapter 21 --;Active Guideway MAGLEVs; Chapter 22 --;Passive Guideway MAGLEVs; Back Cover.
Text of Note
Based on author Ion Boldea's 40 years of experience and the latest research, Linear Electric Machines, Drives, and Maglevs Handbook provides a practical and comprehensive resource on the steady improvement in this field. The book presents in-depth reviews of basic concepts and detailed explorations of complex subjects, including classifications and practical topologies, with sample results based on an up-to-date survey of the field. Packed with case studies, this state-of-the-art handbook covers topics such as modeling, steady state, and transients as well as control, design, and testing of li.