Front Cover --;BTEC National for IT Practitioners: Business Units --;Copyright Page --;Contents --;Preface --;1. Exploring Business Activity (Unit 1) --;Understand the different types of business activity and ownership --;Understand how the type of business influences the setting of strategic aims and objectives --;Understand functional activities and organizational structure --;Know how external factors in the business environment impact on organizations --;2. Investigating Business Resources (Unit 2) --;Know how human resources are managed --;Understand the purpose of managing physical and technological resources --;Understand how to access sources of finance --;Be able to interpret financial statements --;3. Introduction to Marketing (Unit 3) --;Understand the concept and principles of marketing and their application in the business environment --;Know how and why marketing research is conducted by organizations --;Understand how marketing information is used by organizations --;Understand how marketing techniques are used to increase demand for products (goods and services) --;4. IT Project (Unit 4) --;Understand how projects are specified and managed --;Be able to plan an IT project --;Be able to implement an IT project --;Be able to test, document and review an IT project --;5. E-Commerce (Unit 34) --;Know the effects on society of e-commerce --;Understand the technologies involved in e-commerce --;Understand the security issues in e-commerce and the laws and guidelines that regulate it --;6. Impact of the Use of IT on Business Systems (Unit 35) --;Know the IT developments that have had an impact on organizations --;Understand why organizations need to change in response to IT developments --;Understand how organizations adapt activities in response to IT developments --;Index.
Text of Note
Covers the business pathway of the BTEC National specifications. This book contains topics such as: Exploring Business Activity; IT Project; Investigating Business Resources; E Commerce; Introduction to Marketing; Impact of the Use of IT on Business Systems; IT Project; E Commerce; and Impact of the Use of IT on Business Systems.