Parent-Professional Teamwork in Early Intervention Programs: What Does It Really Mean?
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Front Cover --;The Second Handbook on Parent Education: Contemporary Perspectives --;Copyright Page --;Table of Contents --;Contributors --;Preface --;Part I. Introduction --;Chapter 1. Professional Issues in Parent Education --;Introduction --;The Effects of Parenting Styles --;Goals and Activities for Parent Education --;The Effectiveness of Parent Education --;Parent Education versus Psychotherapy --;Group Leader Responsibilities --;Leader Qualifications and Training --;The Future --;References --;Chapter 2. National Family Policy: Renegotiating the Government-Family Contract. Introduction --;Government-Family Relations --;Ideological Positions and Social Realities --;Family Policy Proposals --;Professionals and National Family Policy --;Summary and Conclusions --;References --;Chapter 3. The Healthy Family: Is It Possible? --;Introduction --;Research Background --;The Six Major Qualities of Strong Families --;Other Research on Healthy Families --;Using These Ideas in Parent Education --;References --;Part II. Delivery Systems of Parenting Education --;Chapter 4. Active Parenting: A Video-Based Program --;Introduction --;The Need for a New Delivery System. What You See Is What You Get-Twice as Fast --;From Video to Video-Based Training --;Components of the Active Parenting Program --;The Active Parenting Learning System --;Summary --;References --;Chapter 5. Parents as First Teachers --;Introduction --;Building the Model --;Missouri Adoption of White's Model --;Summary --;References --;Chapter 6. School-Based Parent Involvement Programs --;Introduction --;Assumptions --;The Mirror Model of Parental Involvement --;The Parent Center --;Rural and Sparsely Populated Areas --;"Train the Trainers" Model --;Summary and Conclusions --;References. Chapter 7. Parent Participation in Individualized Educational Program (IEP) Conferences: A Case for Individualization --;Introduction --;A Brief History of Parent Involvement --;Rationale for Individualizing Parent Involvement --;Levels of Potential Parent Involvement --;Summary --;References --;Chapter 8. Teenage Pregnancy and Parenthood Education --;Introduction --;Teenage Mothers: Characteristics and Consequences --;Programs for Teen Mothers --;Research on Teenage Mothers --;Recommendations for Teenage Parenting Programs --;Summary --;References. Chapter 9. Parent Education and Involvement in Early Intervention Programs for Handicapped Children: A Different Perspective on Parent Needs and the Parent-Professional Relationship --;Introduction --;Provisions under P.L. 99-457 Concerning Parent and Family Services and Involvement --;The Rationale for Parent Education and Involvement in Early Intervention --;Basic Premises Underlying Parent Education and Involvement in Early Intervention --;Conditions Unique to Parents with Young Children --;Special Needs of Parents of Young Children with Disabilities or Developmental Problems.
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This book should enhance the reader's understanding of the contemporary scene in parenting education, including effective programming, important issues, and future trends.