Equity and Excellence in Educational Testing and Assessment.
General Material Designation
First Statement of Responsibility
Nettles, Michael T.; Nettles, Arie L.
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
Springer Verlag
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Text of Note
I: Identifying Equity Challenges in the Context of Educational Testing and Assessment Reform. 1. Introduction: the Pursuit of Equity in Educational Testing and Assessment; M.T. Nettles, A. Bernstein. 2. A Technological and Historical Consideration of Equity Issues Associated with Proposals to Change our Nation's Testing Policy; G. Madaus. 3. Diversity, Assessment, and Equity in Educational Reform; E.L. Baker, H.F. O'Neil Jr. 4. Equity Issues in Performance-Based Assessment; L. Darling-Hammond. 5. Some Prerequisites for the Establishment of Equitable, Inclusive Multicultural Assessment Systems; M. Neill. II: Reforms in Assessment and Testing: Are New Practices Better and More Equitable? 6. Achieving Equity: Counting on the Classroom; M.A. Barr, J. Cheong. 7. Equity and Validity Considerations in the Design and Implementation of a Mathematics Performance Assessment: the Experience of the QUASAR Project; S. Lane, E.A. Silver. 8. Performance-Based Assessments: Contributor or Detractor to Equity? L.F. Winfield. 9. Equity and Excellence in Group-Administered and Performance-Based Assessments; S.J. Meisels, A. Dorfman, D. Steele. III: Impact of Assessment Reforms at Three Levels: the Classroom, the State, and the Nation. 10. Using New Forms of Assessment to Assist in Achieving Student Equity: Experiences of the CCSSO State Collaborative on Assessment and Student Standards; E.D. Roeber. 11. The Effect of Expectations on Achieving Equity in State-Wide Testing: Lessons from Massachusetts; E. Badger. 12. Toward National Standards and Testing:the Educational Equity Imperative; D.M. Stewart, H.T. Everson. 13. Equity Issues in Teacher Assessment; C.A. Dwyer, P.A. Ramsey. 14. Visions of Equity in National Assessment; S.T. Johnson. Index.