1. Introduction: Rights, Research and Policy; Anne Smith --;PART I: THE BODY --;2. Reforms to Healthcare Systems and Policies: Influences from Children's Rights; Priscilla Alderson --;3. Changing the Law on Physical Punishment in New Zealand; Anne Smith --;4. The Child's Right to Play: Laying the Building Blocks for Optimal Health & Well-Being; Rita Shackel --;PART II: EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION --;5. Early Childhood Services in England: Policy, Research and Practice; Gillian Pugh --;6: Early Childhood Education in New Zealand: Progress and Challenges in Achieving Children's Rights; Anne Smith --;7: Children's Rights and Early Years Provision in India; Vinnarasan Aruldoss and John Davis --;PART III: CHILD PROTECTION --;8. Child Protection: Policies for Vulnerable Children in New Zealand; Anne Smith --;9. Children In Care: Global Perspectives On The Challenges Of Securing Their Wellbeing And Rights; Robbie Gilligan --;10. Children and Young People Leaving Care; Judy Cashmore and Philip Mendes --;11. Family and Care Policies for Children in the Former Soviet Union: What is Changing in Russia and Lithuania?; Ekaterina Yazykova and Liepa Boberine --;12. Child Rights and Wellbeing in Latin America: A Role for Conditional Cash Transfers; Jill McLeigh and Francisco Pilotti, --;PART IV: PARTICIPATION, POLITICS AND THE LAW --;13. Taking Account of Children: How far Have We Come in England?; Carolyne Willow --;14. Young People as Leaders in (and Sometimes Victims of) Political and Cultural Change; Gary Melton and Weijun Wang --;15. Children's Rights and Wellbeing: Tensions within the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014; Kay Tisdall and John Davis --;16. 'Vi ere en nasjon vi med?' 'We are a nation, we' Children's rights in Norway: Research, Policies and Practices; Anne Trine Kj̜rholt --;17. Children's Views and Participation in Family Dispute Resolution in New Zealand; Nicola Taylor and Megan Gollop --;18. Conclusion: Challenges for Research on Children's Rights; Anne Smith.
Text of Note
This volume explores how children's rights has influenced research with children and how research can in turn shape policies and practices to enhance children's rights. The book examines the impact children's rights and Childhood Studies has had on how children are constructed and regulated internationally.
Children's rights.
POLITICAL SCIENCE -- Political Freedom & Security -- Civil Rights.
POLITICAL SCIENCE -- Political Freedom & Security -- Human Rights.