A Very Decided Preference --;Reflections --;Problems Relating to the Transplantation of Discordant Xenografts --;Minor Histocompatibility Antigens --;Epitope Linkage in the Immune Response and Its Implications for Lymphoid Architecture and Immunological Memory --;What We Have Learned from Highly Immunized Patients --;Immunological Enhancement --;Induction of Peripheral Tolerance to Class I MHC Alloantigens in Adult Mice --;The Use of Donor-Specific Bone Marrow to Induce Specific Allograft Unresponsiveness (Tolerance) in Adult Animals Transiently Immunosuppressed with Polyclonal Antilymphocyte Serum --;Mixed Bone Marrow Reconstitution Across MHC Barriers --;Liver Transplantation --;Pancreatic Islet Transplantation --;Total Lymphoid Irradiation in Transplantation: Experimental Background and Results in 70 Patients --;Developments in Bone Marrow Transplantation --;Micrometastasis of Epithelial Tumors: Signum Mortis for the Patient or the Achilles' Heel of Cancer? --;The Microvasculature of Free Pancreatic Islet Grafts --;Why Should We Rise with the Lark?
Text of Note
On the occasion of the 20th symposium in January 1989 he gathered together a number of scientists who have been leaders in the field of transplantation immunology and clinical transplantation for the past two decades.