Cover; Contents; List of Tables and Figures; Acknowledgements; Notes on Contributors; Introduction; Part I: Context, Theory and Caribbean Realities in Tackling Child Sexual Abuse; 1 The Nature of Paradise; 2 The Ontology and Social Construction of Childhood in the Caribbean; 3 Gendered Sexual Relations and Sexualized Gender Relations; 4 A Legal Perspective of Child Sexual Abuse in the Caribbean, with a focus on Trinidad and Tobago; 5 Using Our Brain: Understanding the Effects of Child Sexual Abuse; 6 Parental Abandonment of Children: Vulnerability to Sexual Abuse. 7 'Pimping Your Child': Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Transactional Child Sexual AbusePart II: Research and Knowledge Transfer; 8 Research on Child Sexual Abuse: Caribbean and International Perspectives; 9 A Culturally Contexted Study of Perceptions, Attitudes and Opinions on Child Sexual Abuse; 10 Deconstructing Narratives of Child Sexual Abuse; 11 IMPACT: Interventions and Mitigations to Prevent the Abuse of Children --;It's Time --;A Public Health Oriented Systems Model for Change; Conclusion; Index.
Text of Note
This book is the first comprehensive study of child sexual abuse in the Caribbean, exploring issues such as the ontology of childhood, links between slavery, colonialism and present-day gender-based violence, the impact of child sexual abuse on the brain and child protection after natural disasters.