Chapter 1 Electromagnetic Wave Theory and Measurement of Light --;chapter 2 Coherence Property of Light The State of the Radiation --;chapter 3 Diffraction and Propagation --;chapter 4 Optical Imaging --;chapter 5 First-Order Coherence of Light --;chapter 6 Second-Order Coherence of Light --;chapter 7 Homodyne Detection and Heterodyne Detection of Light --;chapter 8 Quantum Theory of Light: Field Quantization and Measurement --;chapter 9 Quantum Theory of Optical Coherence --;chapter 10 Quantum Entanglement --;chapter 11 Quantum Imaging --;chapter 12 Two-Photon Interferometry-I: Biphoton Interference --;chapter 13 Two-Photon Interferometry II: Quantum Interference of Chaotic-Thermal Light --;chapter 14 Bell s Theorem and Bell s Inequality Measurement.
Text of Note
Authored by a highly regarded international researcher and pioneer in the field, An Introduction to Quantum Optics: Photon and Biphoton Physics is a straightforward overview of basic principles and experimental evidence for the quantum theory of light. This book introduces and analyzes some of the most exciting experimental research to date in the field of quantum optics and quantum information, helping readers understand the revolutionary changes occurring in optical science.