1 General Considerations --;1 Toxicology testing: regulatory authority requirements --;2 Toxicology testing: views of animal welfare organizations --;3 Risks in medical intervention: balancing therapeutic risks and benefits --;4 The use of human biological measurements for safety evaluation in the chemical industry --;5 Economic aspects of toxicity for the pharmaceutical industry --;6 Cooperation among states and setting up an international legal framework --;2 The Needs (Non-pharmaceutical) --;7 Foods and food additives --;8 Industrial chemicals --;9 Evaluating the hazards of pesticides --;10 Overall needs: cosmetics, toiletries and household products --;11 Substances of abuse --;3 Preclinical: In Vitro and Ex Vivo Approaches --;12 Cellular and in vitro techniques --;13 Immunological aspects --;14 Genetic toxicology testing --;15 The role of dynamic mathematical models.
Text of Note
The earliest writings speak of such toxicity and, from the times of ancient Egypt and in the Old Tes- tament, controls have existed[l]. The Royal College of Physicians, for example, was originally established to control the activities of physicians within London.