Preface Notes on Contributors Introduction The Slow Process: A Hypothetical Cognitive Adaptation for Distributed Cognitive Networks; M.Donald Social Cognition and Cortical Function: An Evolutionary Perspective; S.Shultz & R.I.M.Dunbar Homo Heuristicus and the Bias-Variance Dilemma; H.Brighton & G. Gigerenzer Action, Embodied Meaning, and Thought; M.Johnson Neo-Pragmatism and Enactive Intentionality; S.Gallagher & K.Miyahara Minds, Things, and Materiality; M.Wheeler Contributions of Mirror Mechanisms to the Embodiment of Cognition; A.M.Glenberg The Neural Systems Involved in Motor Cognition and Social Contact; S.Hetu & P.L.Jackson Action and Cephalic Expression: Hermeneutical Pragmatism; J.Schulkin & P.Heelan References Index