Progress and Perspective in the Treatment of Lung Cancer
General Material Designation
First Statement of Responsibility
edited by P. Houtte, J. Klastersky, P. Rocmans.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Berlin, Heidelberg
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
(x, 280 pages 56 illustrations, 3 illustrations in color.)
Series Title
Medical Radiology, Diagnostic Imaging and Radiation Oncology.
Text of Note
Ch. 1. Prognostic factors: from clinical parameters to new biological markers--;Ch. 2. Radiological evaluation of intrathoracic extension and resectability of non-small cell lung cancer--;Ch. 3. Positron emission tomography: a new tool in diagnosing staging and treatment monitoring of lung cancer--;Ch. 4. Exclusive surgery for stage III disease: Is it still ethical?--;Ch. 5. Induction chemotherapy with or without radiotherapy followed by surgery in non-small cell lung cancer--;Ch. 6. Adjuvant treatment in non-small cell lung cancer. Ch. 7. Induction or concurrent chemotherapy and radiation therapy for locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer--;Ch. 8. Exclusive radiotherapy for NSC lung cancer--;Ch. 9. Three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy in treatment of bronchogenic carcinoma--;Ch. 10. Endoluminal brachytherapy: a curative modality?--;Ch. 11. Integration of radiation therapy and chemotherapy for small cell lung cancer--;Ch. 12. The role of prophylactic cranial irradiation: benefits and late effects--;Ch. 13. Fractionation as a biological dose modifier. Ch. 14. Biochemical and biological dose modifiers for irradiation of lung cancers--;Ch. 15. Intraoperative radiotherapy for lung cancer--;Ch. 16. Should all stage IV non-small cell lung cancer be treated palliatively?--;Ch. 17. Intensive therapy of small cell lung cancer: a review of recently published data--;Ch. 18. Best supportive care or chemotherapy for stage IV non-small cell lung cancer--;Ch. 19. Do we have the real tools to evaluate lung radiotoxicity?--;Ch. 20. Treatment indications and clinical target volume. Ch. 21. Radiotherapy and the challenge of palliation--;Ch. 22. New drugs in lung cancer--;Ch. 23. Supportive treatment in the management of lung cancer.