Introduction --;Fiber, Twist, Color and Grist --;Equipment --;Color --;Weft Choices --;Fabric Finishing --;Samples --;Twist Direction --;Yarn Finishing --;Differential Shrinkage --;Sett --;Warp and Weft Calculations --;Projects --;Top or Roving --;Project: Woven Fabric from Pin-Drafted Roving --;Project: Woven Fabric from Dyed Top --;Shetland Singles --;Project: Shetland Vest --;Alpaca --;Project: Alpaca Scarf --;Project: Natural-Colored Alpaca Shawl --;Project: Dyed Alpaca Silk Shawl --;Blue Face Leicester and Silk --;Project: Tibetan Jacket --;Pygora --;Project: Hooded Scarf --;Tussah Silk --;Project: Color Blend Scarf --;Project : Kimono --;Bombyx Silk --;Project: Scarf --;Project: Silk Shawl --;Knotted Pile, Band Weaving --;Project: Knotted Pile Bag --;Tips and Conclusions --;Glossary of Terms --;Yarn Blocker Pattern and Cut List --;Weaving Record Sheet --;Kimono and Tibetan Jacket Sewing Patterns --;Fiber Sources --;Bibliography --;Index.
Text of Note
Not a how-to-spin book, but a how-to-spin-exactly-what-you-want book, with in-depth information on fiber properties, color choices and options, and lots of samples.