The Immotile Sperm: Etiology --;Motility Update --;Metabolic Strategy --;Extrinsic Factors --;Intracellular Calcium --;Genetics --;Necrospermia: Etiology and Mgmt --;Therapeutic Possibilities: In- Vivo Therapies/ Asthenozoospermia --;In-Vitro Therapy --;ICSI --;Injection: Selection, Tail Breakage, Viscous Solutions --;Fertilizing Capability/ Frozen-thawed Immotile Sperm --;Clinical Aspects/ ICSI --;Difficult Cases/ ICSI: The Egyptian Experience --;Diff. Cases ICSI: Male Factors --;Diff. Cases ICSI: Total Absence Motile & Normal Sperm --;Diff. Cases ICSI: Israeli Survey --;Testicular Sperm: Growth Factors --;Microinsem./ Spermatogenic Cells in Mammals --;Cell Loss During Spermatogenesis --;Reg. of Apoptosis --;Testicular Sperm Retrieval: Thermic & Metabolic Microsensors TESE --;ICSI/ Epididymal & Testicular Sperm Retreival --;Pathophys Changes --;Cytological Eval./ Germinal Populations --;Conceptus Quality ICSI/ Ethical Problems ART --;Genetic Aspects Sterility --;Conceptus Quality ICSI/ Testicular Sperm --;Genetic Problems/ Congential Malformations 1987 ICSI Children --;Ethical Dilemmas Asstd Reproduction.
Text of Note
They discussed the mechanism and regulation of motility, the metabolic strategy of human spermatozoa, the effects of exogenous fac- tors such as antibodies, infections, and toxins, and finally the role of intracel- lular calcium on sperm motility.