1. Clinical Aspects of Growth Hormone Hypersecretory States --;2. Correlation Between Preoperative Testing and Tumour Morphology in Acromegaly --;3. Acromegaly: Objectives of Therapy --;4. Surgical Treatment of Acromegaly --;5. External Radiation Therapy of Acromegaly --;6. Bromocriptine Treatment of Acromegaly --;7. Chemical Structure, Pharmacodynamic Profile and Pharmacokinetics of SMS 201-995 (Sandostatin®) --;8. Studies on the Acute and Chronic Effects of Sandostatin® in Acromegaly --;9. Medical Treatment of Acromegaly. Dopaminergic Agonists and Long-Acting Somatostatin --;10. Treatment of Acromegaly with the Somatostatin Analogue SMS 201-995 (Sandostatin®) --;11. Observations During a Clinical Trial of Sandostatin® in Acromegalic Patients --;12. Effects of Long-Term Administration of Sandostatin® (SMS 201-995) at Increasing Doses in 40 Acromegalic Patients. Results from the French Sandostatin Acromegaly Study Group --;13. Experience with Sandostatin® in Various Groups of Acromegalic Patients --;14. Treatment of Acromegaly with SMS 201-995 (Sandostatin®): Clinical, Biochemical and Morphologic Study --;15. Long-Term Treatment of Acromegaly by Continuous Subcutaneous Infusion of the Long-Acting Somatostatin Analog Sandostatin® (SMS 201-995, Octreotide) --;16. Sandostatin® (SMS 201-995) Treatment of Acromegaly: Acute and Chronic Effects --;17. Long-Term Efficacy of Sandostatin® (SMS 201-995, Octreotide) in 178 Acromegalic Patients. Results from the International Multicentre Acromegaly Study Group --;18a. Pulsatile Administration of SMS 201-995 (Sandostatin®) in the Treatment of Acromegaly --;18b. Treatment of Acromegaly with SMS 201-995 (Sandostatin®): A Collaborative Study in Japan --;19. Long-Term Treatment of Resistant Acromegaly with a Somatostatin Analog (SMS 201-995, Sandostatin®) --;20. High-Dose, Long-Term, Continuous Subcutaneous Infusion of SMS 201-995 (Sandostatin®) in Acromegaly --;21. Long-Term Therapy of Acromegaly with SMS 201-995 (Sandostatin®) --;22. Successful Treatment of Ophthalmoplegia in Acromegaly with the Somatostatin Analogue SMS 201-995 (Sandostatin®) --;23. Sandostatin® (SMS 201-995) in the Treatment of Acromegaly --;24. Somatostatin Octapeptide (SMS 201-995, Sandostatin®) in the Medical Treatment of Acromegaly --;25a. SMS 201-995 (Sandostatin®) Treatment of Therapy-Resistant Acromegaly --;25b. Sandostatin® (SMS 201-995) Can Exert a Direct Analgesic Effect --;25c. Relapsing Acromegaly Resistant to Both Bromocriptine and Sandostatin® Treatment --;26. Consensus Discussion and Conclusions.
Text of Note
Acromegaly is a relatively rare chronic disease. Since it also has disfiguring properties - especially of the head and face - acromegaly has serious psychological consequences which are reinforced by the awareness of factors such as excessive sweating.