To Laser Safety --;Review of Optical Physics --;Review of Anatomy and Physiology of the Eye and Skin --;Effects of Optical Radiation on the Eye --;Optical Radiation Hazards to the Skin --;Optical Hazards from the Ambient Environment --;Laser Safety Standards: Evolution and Rationale --;Current Laser Exposure Limits --;Laser Hazard Classification --;Protection Standards for Non-Laser Sources --;Laser Output Measurements: Radiometry and Calorimetry --;Laser Beam Diagnostics --;Atmospheric Propagation of Laser Beams --;Radiometric Measurements Required for Broad-Band Optical Sources --;General Hazard Analysis and Controls --;Eye and Skin Protection --;Laser Safety in Research Laboratories and Medical Facilities --;Safety with Lasers Used in Construction --;Safety with Lasers Used in Manufacturing --;Laser Safety with Consumer and Office Products --;Laser Hazards in Outdoor Applications: Military and Lidar --;Lamps and Lighting Systems --;Projection Systems --;Welding Arcs --;Safety Programs and Formal Training --;Medical Surveillance --;Ancillary Hazards --;Electrical Hazards.
Text of Note
Nearly a decade aga a general review article on the evaluation of optical radia- tion hazards was published in Applied Optics (Sliney and Freasier, 1973).