Introduction --;Preliminary Assessment of New Methodologies in the Determination of Hormonal Receptors --;Adjuvant Chemotherapy in Premenopausal Patients: A More Complicated Form of Oophorectomy? --;Evaluating the Benefits of Therapies for Breast Cancer: Are the Right Questions Asked? --;Values and Limitations of Current Criteria for Objective Response in Advanced Breast Cancer --;Evaluation Criteria in Comparative Clinical Trials in Advanced Breast Cancer: A Proposal for Improvement --;Target Site Specificity of Tamoxifen: A Balance of Estrogenic and Antiestrogenic Properties --;Antiestrogens Old and New: The Search for a Non-Toxic Agent with No Estrogenic Properties.
Text of Note
This book is the second monograph written by the European School of Oncology Task Force (ESO) on "Endocrine Aspects of Breast Cancer". It deals mainly with methodological problems related to clinical trials. The subject is not only discussed in a very provocative way, but the authors also try to propose new ideas which could be helpful in solving some of the problems currently hampering a more fruitful outcome of many trials. People dealing with breast cancer will find in this monograph many of the questions they have been thinking about in the last months; the monograph may also help them to find solutions to some of these problems.