1 Physiology and Pathophysiology of Defaecation --;2 Ultrasound Anatomy of the Pelvic Floor --;3 Pelvic Floor Stability and the Uterus --;4 Case History and Clinical Examination --;5 Defaecography: Technique and Radiation Exposure --;6 Defaecographic Parameters in Asymptomatic Subjects --;7 Indications for Defaecography --;8 The Value of Defaecography for Treatment Decisions --;9 Conventional Radiography, Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging --;10 Balloon Proctography --;11 Endoscopy and Histological Findings --;12 Scintigraphy --;13 Transit Time Measurement --;14 Manometry, Electromyography and Other Functional Pelvic Floor Tests --;15 Rectal Prolapse --;16 Rectal Outpocketing --;17 Enterocele --;18 Assessment of Functional Constipation --;19 Defaecography and Incontinence --;20 Anal Sphincter Dysplasia.
Text of Note
Investigation of anorectal disorders has become a very wide field reaching from case history and simple plain radiography to advanced techniques such as defecography, nuclear medicine, endosonography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging. The place and value of defecography, thedynamic demonstration of bowel evacuation, have not previously been clearly defined. In this highly illustrated volume, radiologists experienced in thisfield describe techniques, radiation risks, and the interpretation of normal and abnormal findings using the aforementioned techniques of investigation. Anorectal surgeons and gastro- enterologists also participatein the discussion of indications and the influence of abnormal findings on patient management. This book will be helpful as a practical guide tothe choice, performance, and interpretation of the appropriate investigationfor a patient with functional anorectal disorders. As such it represents an excellent addition to the library of every physician and specialist withan interest in anorectal disease.